Activities on The First Day of School

The beginning of school is an important moment for both students and teachers. This should be a very well planned moment. The children should feel welcomed on the first day.

As a teacher you could create different boards for your pupils. You can use them to organize the curricular and extracurricular activities in your class.

You could try an easy game that will help both you and your students to remember each other’s name. Put them to hold in front of them a piece of paper where they will write their names. After that, take photos of each child and print them from home on matte photo paper.

With foam board from iClickn’Print create a customized board with the title “Class of 2014”. Pin the photographs on the board. The visitiors will know that way each child’s name.

Another interesting activity that will bring the children together would be called “All about me”. You can use letterhead paper with different designs and make your pupils write about them.


Letterhead “All about me” activity

You can customize the letterhead paper with iClickn’Print like the picture shown above:

  • In the middle they can write their names.
  • On top left corner they will have to finish the sentence “My family…”
  • On top right corner they can finish the sentence “My favorite thing to do…”
  • On bottom left corner they could write what they really don’t like.
  • On bottom right corner the children could say how the other people find them.
  • On top middle the pupils can say what they would love to do one day.
  • On bottom middle they can finish the sentence “I’d love to meet…”

After they will write on the paper, they would have to get in front of the class and read from it. Also, the teacher could pin them on several foam boards to be shown to the visitors and the parents.

With iClickn’Print you can make the first day of school memorable by using customized foam boards, letterhead paper and photo paper.

Posted on September 4, 2013, in Foam Board, Letterhead, Matte Photo Paper and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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